Tuesday, May 26, 2009

~*The Board Game Contd...*~

  " Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living." -Anais Nin

Ok..I am sorry about ranting on and on about the board exams. But I have to, because they mean a lot to me personally. Not only for the studies, but also the hard work everyone has put around me.  Its confirmed that the results are going to be out  on 29th of May. Thanks for ending the suspense, CBSE. Well, I frankly don't know what is in store for me, coz its not your normal school exams. I have heard so many rumors about the methods of checking that it fills me with jitters sometimes. I am not over-anxious, somewhat relaxed, but I wish that they would have come out earlier.  Atleast many of us would be spending summer vacations tension-free, even our parents. The main reason I am writing this post is that my sister saw a really weird dream today:
We were in somekind of school assembly and my sis asked a teacher what was my percentage. I will reveal what she saw in her dream and my actual marks on 29th. I just want to know, to how much extent, are our dreams a reflection of reality. Either what has occured, or what is going to occur or something symbolic of our decisions. I have an interesting theory inspired by the Twilight Saga. In the novels, Alice sees the future based on what decisions people take. Her visions change as people change their minds.  Nothing has the probability of 1. Likewise, it can be that our dreams show what is in our minds: both conscious and subconscious. Many experts believe its quite true. And accordingly, as our minds change, so do our dreams too.  I have always been intrigued by the meachanism of dreams, "Why do we see those dreams..!!"...
Ok, enough of this. This always happens with me: quick deviation one topic to another. I wonder why I am so mutable...
~So..next post would be  about results, I guess. 
PS: Thanks for keeping up..

Monday, May 25, 2009

~*The Board Game*~

The wait is going to be over soon. X results will be out this week, God knows on which date. Although there are too many rumors:25/27/28/04(!!)..I am absolutely confounded. All this hulla-bullo over the "boards" raises a question in my mind: Is the tension really worth it.? Do these exams measure one's potential? I think not. Personally, I have never had a problem with studies: it comes intrinsically to me, almost natural. But I don't like the medium of education here. They just make us literate, not educated. And there is a BIG difference between the two. If we take examples of some famous personalities, we find that though they didn't excel in studies, they made it to the top. Of course, exceptions are always there. Here, I would like to draw a parallelism between the two homophones: A board game and the board exams. I am fascinated by their striking similarity.

Everyone of us (I believe) has played a board games in their childhood:l ludo, monopoly, business, checkers, you name them. There is a start, there is and an ending, there are strategies to follow, and you gain, you lose. But no matter who wins, all of us have to finish the game and reach the end point. During boards, you start studying sumwhere, den stop it after the exam, you follow sum rules n we all get the results. I  have never liked board games much, they make me bored(hey.!!..another homophone)... Although I perfectly understand they(exams) are important, and I have put my best efforts into it, but, a time will come when I won't remember the results but that journey of last two months. As for the advantages, board exams also test how capable of one is of hard work. After all, intelligence is not everything, and with the addition of HOTS, one needs to apply their brains as well. But inspite of all that, I am anxious about the results and a bit scared too. God knows whats going to happen..!! 

~PS: Thanks for having patience..

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Beginner's First Blog

I am relieved.  Seriously, I have been dreaming of blogging since I first heard the word. Fearing that I was too young to voice myself, I used to shy away from blogging. Suddenly, after I have given my X Boards and its 2 months since, and the results are going to be out in 1-2 days, I got the courage. I am not an introvert, I feared criticism. What if I am not accepted? What if I fail in writing. I am thankful to those endless exams that they gave me courage to write on the spot. I am tired of writing school essays, letters, articles : all on the same kind of topics that get repeated time and over. Time to move on, babe.
- So Its my first ever blog. Its going to be crude, grammatically incorrect (sometimes), but you have to start somewhere, don't you..? And I started:) Its going to be a juggernaut; an unstoppable force, I believe. I'll write anything that comes to that crazy brain of mine and I welcome all the criticism. It's good to have a personalised space with lots of critical appreciation. This is my initiation into the world of blogging. 
~ I think that i'll post something about exams and all the next time.
PS: I am a full-time student,so I maybe infrequent, and my posts are going to be centred around my world and how I perceive things. Plz feel free to comment.