Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Beginner's First Blog

I am relieved.  Seriously, I have been dreaming of blogging since I first heard the word. Fearing that I was too young to voice myself, I used to shy away from blogging. Suddenly, after I have given my X Boards and its 2 months since, and the results are going to be out in 1-2 days, I got the courage. I am not an introvert, I feared criticism. What if I am not accepted? What if I fail in writing. I am thankful to those endless exams that they gave me courage to write on the spot. I am tired of writing school essays, letters, articles : all on the same kind of topics that get repeated time and over. Time to move on, babe.
- So Its my first ever blog. Its going to be crude, grammatically incorrect (sometimes), but you have to start somewhere, don't you..? And I started:) Its going to be a juggernaut; an unstoppable force, I believe. I'll write anything that comes to that crazy brain of mine and I welcome all the criticism. It's good to have a personalised space with lots of critical appreciation. This is my initiation into the world of blogging. 
~ I think that i'll post something about exams and all the next time.
PS: I am a full-time student,so I maybe infrequent, and my posts are going to be centred around my world and how I perceive things. Plz feel free to comment.

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